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Nina Pope


My practice spans visual arts and film and is often made in collaboration with Karen Guthrie who I met whilst studying at Edinburgh College of Art. After moving to complete MA's in London we began working together in 1995. Our early career was marked by technological innovation combined with a socially-engaged and inclusive sensibility - for example, the live online travelogue A Hypertext Journal (1996) which was an experimental precursor to 'blogging'. In 2001 we formalised our collaboration as the not-for-profit arts practice Somewhere. Our current work spans public art and film-making and the focus remains on a wide application of creativity to enrich public life. Projects are context specific and look to the complexities of how people and place interrelate, we often take the past as a jumping off point to inform work pertinent to present circumstances.
In 2008 we won the first Northern Art Prize and in 2014 a retrospective of our practice Past, Present, Somewhere was shown at Kettles Yard gallery, Cambridge.
In 2015 our fourth feature documentary The Closer We Get was broadcast on BBC Scotland and won Best International Feature at Hot Docs Festival, going on to screen in 15 countries worldwide. Alongside my practice I taught part-time for 20 years at the Royal College of Art in the influential Design Interactions department. I’ve worked free-lance as a visiting tutor, in professional development for artists and creative consultancy roles for clients including the National Trust, UCL and the British Museum.
Most recently I have been working as one of the 'Remembering Together' artists as part of the Scotland-wide Covid Memorial project. You can read more about the work in Aros Walled Garden on the CHARTS project pages. The images below are from the community day on Mull where a group of us came together to make up hand-tied posies of home-grown flowers by way of gifts to someone we wanted to remember or thank from that time.

My Showcase

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